Monday 3 May 2010

Dear Me..

Well well, it has been a very long time, indeed.
My sincerest apologies.

A new year has dawned, a new school year is upon us and a whole new curriculum has bombed its way into my life. A-levels. Whoever the clever guy who invented these tests is, i do not salute you. Mr 'i want humanity to suffer' A-level is a deviously depressing fellow who obviously despises 16-18 year olds. I both hate and pity him.

Nevertheless, i am ploughing through the piles of work and, in a funny way, I am actually enjoying my English Literature class, in which I have read 3 new novels, 2 new dramas and a whole mass of poetry. Now I'll be the first to admit, poems are most certainly not my forte(insert accent here), however, I have discovered a hidden interest in the deeper, dark depths of the little devils. I actually enjoy the debating that is guaranteed with a class of 17 year old opinionated English Lit students. Therefore, I have decided upon my calling in life; English Lit at university, followed by journalism. I do, after all, love a bit of outspoken article writing;)

Anyway, despite my inspiration often arriving at unorthodox times such as this (00:28 on a school night..), i must sleep now and recharge the brainbox ready for a bright, sunshine-y day tomorrow.

Goodnight to the world.

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