Tuesday 24 April 2012

Inspired by Egypt

Ever since I was a young girl I've wanted to visit Egypt. I know a lot of people probably say the same but I've been intrigued by the exotic nature of the place since I flicked through one of my mum's holiday brochures whilst pretending to be a grown up reading what I thought was a magazine. That's when I saw the pictures of this beautiful, golden land which, at the ripe old age of 7, seemed mysterious and almost imaginary. The striking images were like something I'd see in a storybook. They were the kind of pictures that were so amazing no matter how hard I tried to recreate, somehow my dull,blunt school pot pencils could never handle the challenge. Of course my artistic ability never came into question.

As I grew older and studied Ancient Egyptians in primary school, my fascination with this country simply spiralled from then onwards. The ancient culture was fascinating to me and, I'll even admit it, a little bit creepy. But for me, that was part of the excitement and mystery of this seemingly unreachable place! The history of the pyramids, how they buried their people and adored their Pharaohs, the curses and how they worshipped their Gods. It's all just so interesting!

Of course, as I grew older still, I began to appreciate the modern culture of Egypt, the architecture, the fine clothing and the unbelievable hospitality I'd always heard about from people who had visited. Being a current student at university, I always imagined studying for a few years then taking a gap year to finally finally finally commit to a seemingly impossible hope and travel to Egypt, however, unfortunately degrees don't come cheap! So please send me on a holiday/experience of a lifetime to Egypt! Those golden sands, fine silks and dark historical artefacts are screaming my name!

http://holidays.easyjet.com/egypt-holidays.htm Do follow!

Monday 3 May 2010

Dear Me..

Well well, it has been a very long time, indeed.
My sincerest apologies.

A new year has dawned, a new school year is upon us and a whole new curriculum has bombed its way into my life. A-levels. Whoever the clever guy who invented these tests is, i do not salute you. Mr 'i want humanity to suffer' A-level is a deviously depressing fellow who obviously despises 16-18 year olds. I both hate and pity him.

Nevertheless, i am ploughing through the piles of work and, in a funny way, I am actually enjoying my English Literature class, in which I have read 3 new novels, 2 new dramas and a whole mass of poetry. Now I'll be the first to admit, poems are most certainly not my forte(insert accent here), however, I have discovered a hidden interest in the deeper, dark depths of the little devils. I actually enjoy the debating that is guaranteed with a class of 17 year old opinionated English Lit students. Therefore, I have decided upon my calling in life; English Lit at university, followed by journalism. I do, after all, love a bit of outspoken article writing;)

Anyway, despite my inspiration often arriving at unorthodox times such as this (00:28 on a school night..), i must sleep now and recharge the brainbox ready for a bright, sunshine-y day tomorrow.

Goodnight to the world.

Sunday 9 August 2009

Catch Up

Wow. I really don't post very often at all. This is partly because I always forget my password every single time i decide to actually get off my arse and write something.
I can't say much has happened since I last posted to be quite honest. I've read a million books (about 28), watched a million episodes of House (about 70, i would estimate) and gone through a million bottles of Lucozade Orange (..actually about a million..). Time flies. Bird flies. Empty paper bag flies. Etc.

I am currently in the midst of re-decorating my room. It's going well:/
Aha. I'm doing it single-handedly, might I add so that may explain the pessimistic mood surrounding the whole ordeal.

That's about it, i guess. There's my visit to Leeds which I'm sure many of you will be joining me in doing. I'm very much looking forward to that:) Can't wait to see Atreyu and Placebo. Not forgetting the gorgeous Davey Havok and his beautiful band, AFI^.^ The camping, however, I am most certainly not looking forward to. Mind you, most nights I'll be too drunk to care so it won't really matter if someone is setting fire to my tent!

Anyway. I feel I have been rather boring in this post and haven't used my wonderfully weird mind to it's full advantage to entertain you darlings. Hmm..I do apologise greatly and in my absence, i recommend you feast your eyes upon one of the greatest books I have read in my time, ''The Liar'' by Stephen Fry. I know literature is a scary concept but trust me on this one, that book will change your views of modern upper class englishmen. It's brilliant.

Ta-ta for now

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Wouldn't it be great if..

Wouldn't it be great if a giant 50 foot stapler unveiled itself from the deep, dark depths of a far away cave?
If I'm completely honest, I think that'd be pretty damn brilliant. Then again, that's just me, I often find myself thinking cool yet bizarrely strange things such as this. Imagine though, I'll set the scene..
You wake up to find that today is yet another boring, worthless day filled with boring, worthless work/school. You decide you must go to the shops before invading the workplace with your bad mood. So, you make a quick de-tour for an emergency sugary substance stop. You are inside your beloved Asda/Tesco/Morrisons attempting to browse the sweet goods amongst all those annoyingly high-pitched children on their way to learn numbers and such. As you are grasping the chunky yet deliciously fun-filled Mars Bar you've been eyeing, you hear blood curdling screams arousing from the car park just outside. At first you don't take notice ''Just some silly kids..'' you mutter to yourself. But then, more and more people begin to shout. ''What on earth?..'' you wonder. Whilst keeping your grasp firmly around your chosen Mars Bar, you begin to dawdle towards the entrance of the supermarket, looking around in astonishment at the masses of screaming citizens running inside. You begin to panic, yet still wish to see what has caused all of this obvious commotion..And then you see it. The gigantic, metal machine coming towards the car park shooting monstrous spikey staples at innocent bystanders. Everyone is in deadlock, not knowing where to go, what to do, who to turn to. But not you. No, you, my friend have a growing urge to touch the stapler..to tell the stapler that you mean it no harm, to see the stapler upclose for what it really is. Therefore, with growing strength, you march over to the beast and hold out your Mars Bar. The monster is stunned for a few tense moments..However it greatfully accepts the gift you present before it. It lowers itself for you to climb aboard and you carry out the rest of your day shooting enemies with murderous, razor-sharp staples.

Personally,I'd love for that to happen.

Sunday 23 November 2008

Small one.

is anyone else overly excited at the fact they're showing all the Star Wars movies on tv again? For me, that is Christmas. Haha, first sign of Christmas isn't snow or advent calendars or trees. No, my friends, it is indeed the first showing of Star Wars: A New Hope.
And tonight, the sequel:) so basically every Sunday from last weeks is definately not a free day.
Hmm..Airbourne gig on Monday. It was totally not what i expected at all. I didn't really know what to expect but whatever the expectations were, it exceeded them massively.
It was amazing, to be fair. My ears were still ringing on Thursday. The sign of a good gig is if afterwards you're dripping sweaty and can't hear a thing. i was definately drippy and deaf:)
Dear me, i appear to have no friends, however I still manage to use up all the money on my phone quicker than Spiderman can build a web house..(that's very fast btw). Anyone going to Kerrang! tour in January?

Friday 14 November 2008


well, well, well. It was only a matter of time i guess until Claire created a blog to record her pointless ramblings. Aha. Nothing really mint has happened at the minute that I can write about to be honest. Which is rather ironic as I've finally got somewhere to record things and I've got nothing worth recording. Oooh. Scrap that, guess where Claire's been tonight?
A dog show:) with Cat and Sarah. It was pretty darn good. Richard Curtis is, infact, my new hero. He is amazing at his job and very entertaining, i might add. My 3 favourite Mr. Curtis quotes of the night:
1. "You people are like 'Eurgh, spit on your dog?' but I'm telling you, it works!"
2. "Cheese and sausages..that's sexy food."
3. "Well i love my girls, I've got 5 bitches"
Teehee, a little immature, fair enough, but funny all the same. Also laughing at the obese lady wearing a giraffe t-shirt eating crisps and the girl doing demonstrations with the funny neck. Bless her.
Anyway, ow ow ow ow ow!!!! OW!!
Sorry, major bout of foot cramp. Dear me. Erm..well, I'm currently watching Russel Watson on Children In Need just for your curiosity purposes:) I'm going to go design Chippa's tattoo then I'm off to sleep.
Goodnight Dear Earthlings!